Erbil International Marathon

WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE, peace lovers, men and women, runners. You can participate individually or in groups representing NGOs, UN agencies, Universities, Schools, sports clubs and any other informal groups. Come along and run for preach, have some fun, show your solidarity with Peshmerga and donate for IDPs and refugees. “Your running is their life.”


The Erbil Marathon is typically held in the last Friday of October every year, but the exact date can vary each year. Check the official website or social media for updates.

The race usually starts on 60m street opposite to parliament building and then four laps of 60m streets and finishes inside Sami Abdulrahman Park. The exact route may vary yearly.

Yes, it’s totally a flat course.

Yes, it is officially measured and certified by the international association of marathons and race distances AIMS in 2010.

Registration is typically done online through the official Erbil Marathon website ( There is also on-site registration at the last week.

The Marathon stories

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